Esther's Mortuary Plunder

Esther stumbles into a peculiar green hue, falling, and finds herself at the Mortuary doorstep. Upon entering, Esther feasts her eyes on the tombs in front of her. She is struck at the opportunity to plunder, loot and play dress-ups.

Quick information

  • A collaboration between Esther (lukexdod) and the Mortuary team. A 46-piece profile picture (PFP) collection that sees Esther plundering the Mortuary and filling her wardrobe with wondrous loot.

  • Esther’s Escape has always had the notion of power-ups. Here we gain the ability to play with this notion, exploring visually and thinking through how these abilities affect the Esther-verse.

  • Each week, Esther PFPs (46 pieces) will be dropped over at Mortuary Inc, scheduled as follows:

    • 3 pieces will be auctioned weekly for $ASH

    • 1 piece will be raffled weekly for $ASH

    What's $ASH

    • $ASH is the native token at Mortuary Inc

    • You can buy and sell $ASH over at the Famous Foxes Token Market

Fortunes vary; while some will make it through, most will end up forgotten. Ahead lies a chance of new life and perhaps something more sinister.

Mortuary bound, next stop, loot

Esther falls... down, down, flip, spin, drop. 

Wait, Esther walks through a green-lit arch, a portal; how is she falling? 

Esther plummets, falling deeper and deeper into the abyss. Suddenly she stops, haults and hovers, just for a moment before landing with two feet firmly on the ground. 

As Esther glimpses at the dimly fire-lit world around her, she feels a somber lifelessness; something's not quite right. Frightened, lost and cold, Esther steps forward to examine the barren tundra with only the heat of a small torch flame. The sky is fogged with clouds of darkness, permeating a terrible smell. Soot falls from above and builds under Esther’s feet, causing her to peek up, revealing a rickety sign stating: 

Mortuary Inc - Here, dead things find life anew through the flames. 

A crackle splits through the darkness, revealing a silhouette in the distance. Emerging through the shadows was anything but hope, an atrocity, the guts of a man ooze from his lifeless skeleton, shuffling ever closer. Esther stands, unable to move as he gets closer and closer, until she feels the remains of a hand fall on her shoulder. 

She snaps. Pow. Bang. Crack.

Esther breaks free and runs towards the Mortuary, past the rickety sign and through an orange hue, omitting from the doorway. 

What she found was a delight, a dread, an unimaginable sight…

Quick Guide

Esther's Mortuary Plunder will run weekly for a total of 10 weeks. During this time, Esther will be roaming the Mortuary grounds and playing dress-up along the way!

Each week Esther PFPs will be dropped over at Mortuary Inc in the following format:

What in the hell is $ASH??? 
$ASH is the native token at Mortuary Inc. and is generated by burning dead NFTs on a Mortuary Funeral Plot. 

Can I buy $ASH? 
You can buy and sell $ASH over at

Okay, how can I earn $ASH? 
You can pick up a funeral plot on ME and start burning your dead NFTs, or head over to the Mortuary Commons ( to rent out someone else’s plot and give it a try.